
America’s ‘Opportunity’ Fraud Expert Interviews Cult Expert

In Cults, MLM, News, Videos on January 8, 2010 at 9:03 pm

Eric Scheibeler, author of Merchants of Deception (and former Amway insider) has an eye-opening talk with Steven Hassan, Cult Expert (and ex-Moonie) about the deceptive, fraudulent and cult-like world of MLMs. They discuss how anyone is susceptible to being drawn in to today’s modern day, every-man cult– what Scheibeler describes as “the silent epidemic in America”…

Landmark Education and MLMs: From one cult to another

In Cults, MLM, Videos on December 29, 2009 at 10:55 pm

Through my research on MLMs and thought reform seminars (Large Group Awareness Training- LGAT) I’ve been noticing a disturbing trend of LGAT graduates starting up their own ‘boot camps’ aimed at marketing themselves as top network marketers helping you get leads and be better at network marketing for your MLM business…

Blastoff asking Canadians to work for free?

In Alerts, Due Diligence, Humor, MLM, Pyramid Schemes on December 5, 2009 at 10:14 pm

Apparently Blastoff can’t pay the Canadians, but they’re asking Canadian members to go ahead and grow their networks anyway, and they won’t be able to claim their own share of the cash-back rewards the down-lines bring in until the virtual cross-border shopping  ‘glitch’ is sorted out with their lawyers which may take 3-6 months, says Blastoff…